Wednesday, June 15

Summer vibes

Hey !
Hope you all are fortunte enough to be enjoying the sunny days . I currently live in Oslo and sunny days can quite be a challenge . Finally Summer is here (yay!!) but you must expect the cloudy days and rain (oviously). Sun has been playing a peek a boo but i was fortunate enough to enjoy this sunny day on Monday . Lovely weather , few clouds whatsoever and a relaxing day under sun : nothing more i would ask for . So i got charged with summer vibes and spent my day relaxing under the sunny weather . 
This is what i wore for the day . 
YOU might be asking : but you have a jacket on . 
ME: Oh yes . thats somethning you might not want to forget at home . 

Trust me although its sunny and warm , always carry a light jacket cardigan or kimono with you . Thats the trick to keep yourself warm in case of a sudden weather change or unexpexted cold breeze (which happens often ). 

I am wearing this hybrid shorts/skirt from #Zara . How cool is the print ? 
My top is from #bikbok

To keep myself from early morning cool breeze i am wearing my favourite jacket from #G-star 

  My shades are (old is gold) #polaroid
  My lovely spacious tote is #Dkny

I am very minimal with my accessories.

For my footwear is this matching blue striped flats which was gifted 😊

Watch out for my new posts and feel free to drop your comments on what do you think of my outfit of that day .

I hope you have a lovely day. 
Take care .

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