There was a time when granny generation used suns position and shadows to track daylight and time scheduling for day to day life Functioning.Then came my parents time when wrist watch and clocks gave them the comfort of tracking time with a quick look.
Today the new generation, including me, use their digital devices and various models of smartphones to track time ( or is it distract them from time ? ) . Anyway, how many of you still use a wrist watch not as a fashion statement but as a necessary accessory ? I bet the answers are very predictable. Watches these days are a fashion staple rather than a time teller . I might be wearing a wrist watch but please don't bother to ask me to check time on it as i am pretty unsure about having the needles on right place.Even better to not ask me when the daylight savings just changed and i forget to tune in the needles right. The smart phones have automatic feautures to set your time depending on your grographic placement, time zones and time of the year , that fixing time on your time on wrist watch is so much of a hassle.Don´t you agree?
But is that a bad thing? Mobile phones doing the job of your watches and you spending tons of money on branded watches just for a showpiece? I don't know , you let me know. All i know is having a watch matched to my outfit or your jwellery gives me a sense of satisfaction and boost of confidence.
And i am very happy with my new possession . This beautiful two toned ,classic designed, elegant piece from Dkny has been my favourite for the last two weeks . It seems to match with everything and is very easy to wear.It fills the space in my wrist and makes me feel a little more conscious and confident about my look. That doesnot mean you can come to me expecting for correct time reading. Even if you do, i am sure my first glance will be on the screen of my beloved iphone rather than the watch itself.